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 ※6月20日の説明会の内容(おもにソウル中心) :





  • 宿泊は、一般ホテルに泊まりたい方は、こちらで案内はしますが、自分で予約をしてください。それ以外の方は、牧師が推薦するホームステー(少しのプレゼントやお礼必要)か、安く利用できるところを紹介しようと考えております。

  • みんな、モバイルディスカバーソウルパスという観光客向けのフリーパスを購入することをお勧めします(以下参考:72時間用、48時間用も検討)

  • 活動(おもに観光や見学など)は、グループ(3-4人)を作って活動する(行きたいところに同じ興味を持った人を中心に組む)。以下のモバイルディスカバーソウルパスを参考しても良い。各グループには、ガイドをしてくれる現地の人が見つかれば頼むが、そうでなければグループで行動する。そんなに難しくはない。

  • 朝食は宿泊先で解決する。昼食と夕食はグループで解決する。ソウルに着く日の昼食、日曜日の昼食と夕食、日本に帰る最後の日の昼食は、できるだけ一緒に食べる。残りはグループごとに解決する。

  • 牧師はできるだけ、お子さんたちのグループと一緒に動く。

  • 飛行機のチケットは、指定する日付の飛行機を個人で予約する。教会のJEBSの子どもは、飛行機代や食事などの場合、半分までの支援を考えています。

  • ホームステイをする場合は、その家族との時間や食事もあるかもしれまないので、よい交流ができきるようにしましょう。







※利用できる観光地や交通など  : Discover Seoul Pass

※これ(モバイルディスカバーソウルパス)があれば、ロッテワールドも無料 :









  • モバイルパスの中にある所を探し、3-4人(同じ意向を持った人が集まる)で活動する。

  • 韓流: 韓流好きな人は以下を参考


  • 魅力あふれる街を訪れる

















  • 午前と午後(3時半まで)



  • 夕方から夜にかけてショッピング:トンデムン(東大門)、南大門市場など




  • 飛行機チケット:各自用意

  • モバイルディスカバーソウルパスの購入費用:72時間は(9万ウォン)、48時間も検討(7万ウォン)。日本で前もって予約する。

  • 食事代(朝を除いて7回;昼食と夕食):1回に高めで2000円程度にすると、合計で15000円程度(朝は別途)、子どもはその半分程度。朝食は各自解決。多分、これで全体の食事代(朝食代)にもなるのではと考えられます。

  • その他の個人のことやショッピング代は個人で用意する

  • 宿泊費用:ホテル利用の場合は個人で予約する(ただ、できるだけ動きやすいようにこちらから地域を選定するのでその近くのホテルを予約する)。牧師推薦の宿泊先として、ホームステイ先にはプレゼントやお礼を、安い宿泊先で泊まる場合は3000円から5千円以内の費用がかかる可能性ある(キリスト教関連の宿泊先を検討しているがまだ未定)。

  • その他






JOY CHURCH Korea Travel Plan

1. Travel period (3 days): Option 1 "September 20-23 (including holidays); prioritize this option", Option 2 "October 4-7 (mainly weekdays); consider this option if option 1 is too expensive or has problems"

2. Simple travel guidelines

For accommodation, if you want to stay at a regular hotel, we will guide you here, but please make your own reservations. For others, we will introduce homestays recommended by the pastor (a small gift or thank you gift is required) or cheap places that can be used.

We recommend that everyone purchase a free pass for tourists called the Mobile Discover Seoul Pass (see below: 72-hour and 48-hour passes are also considered)

For activities (mainly sightseeing and sightseeing), form a group (3-4 people) and do activities (group with people who have the same interests in the places you want to go). You can refer to the Mobile Discover Seoul Pass below. Each group will ask a local person to guide them if they can, but if not, they will act as a group. It's not that difficult.

Breakfast will be decided at the accommodation. Lunch and dinner will be decided by the group. Lunch on the day of arrival in Seoul, lunch and dinner on Sunday, and lunch on the last day back to Japan should be eaten together as much as possible. The rest should be resolved by each group.

The pastor should work with the children's groups as much as possible.

Plane tickets should be booked individually for the specified date. For JEBS children at the church, we are considering supporting up to half of the cost of airfare and meals.

If you are homestaying, you may have time and meals with the family, so make sure you have a good exchange.

3. Contents regarding travel itinerary and activities

■Tourist reference tool 1: It is convenient to purchase the mobile Discover Seoul Pass

The Discover Seoul Pass is Seoul's first "free pass type" tourist pass that allows you to use major tourist attractions in Seoul for 24, 48, and 72 hours each with one card. With one pass, you can visit Seoul's representative tourist attractions for free and enjoy various benefits such as transportation, shopping, and performances. You can also ride the limousine and Cite Tourist Bus from the airport for free. There are various benefits, so I think it's a good idea to buy one at a time. In addition, I think you can use it as a transportation card and the subway for free. You can also get discounts at various facilities such as beauty salons and shopping. Korean traditional clothing rentals and old palaces are often free. There are various benefits.

*Try to buy a 72-hour pass as much as possible, but consider a 48-hour pass as well.

1) Day 1: The day you arrive in Seoul (sightseeing and sightseeing; free selection activities for each group): ■Tourist reference tool 1 (yellow above) and 2 (yellow below) are useful for reference.

■Tourist reference tool 2: Free bus supported by Mobile Discover Seoul Pass

(1) Children and their parents: Sightseeing & sightseeing (refer to the mobile pass)

● Elementary school visit, kindergarten, English-related, etc. (not yet decided whether we can visit). Since this day is Friday, we would like to be able to visit if the school is open.

(2) Other adults: Sightseeing, shopping, etc. (It is more economical to choose from the mobile pass)

Find the places listed on the mobile pass and go with 3-4 people (people with the same idea).

Korean Wave: If you like Korean Wave, please refer to the following:

2) Day 2: Use one day as a sightseeing day and use the following city sightseeing buses: Free if you have a mobile pass

You will tour in a group of 3-4 people. Of course, you can do it with everyone. This bus tour is basically a course that can be completed in 1 hour and 30 minutes (if you take the fastest route), but you can get off at any spot along the way to play, and then you can get on the next bus at any time, as the same company's buses make the rounds every 30 minutes to 1 hour. This means that if you don't play and just go around, it will take 1.5 hours. However, the night course is only at night.

※The pastor will go around with the children as much as possible. Of the following courses, I think the Hangang-Jamsil course is good for children. Of the courses, you can see Lotte World, Lotte World Tower, Lotte World Adventure, Seokchon Lake, and more. I think it will be popular with children.

※Which of these courses we will take (from ➀, ➁, and ➂ below) will be adjusted once the number of people is decided, so please use this as a guide.

●Yellow Balloon City Bus (Free if you buy a Mobile Discover Seoul Pass: This is recommended)

※You can find the course information and map at the bottom of the above website. Check the contents and decide which course you like.

① Traditional Culture Course

② Han River Jamsil Course

③ Nighttime Travel Course

3) Day 3 (Church-centered activities, eat together as much as possible for lunch and dinner)

Morning and Afternoon (until 3:30)

Church visits and church activities (attending worship, singing hymns (?), visiting church or children's Sunday school, etc.

Evening to night shopping: Dongdaemun, Namdaemun Market, etc.

4) Day 4: Shopping or sightseeing if you have time, go to the airport

4. Expenses

Plane tickets: Prepare by yourself

Cost of purchasing Mobile Discover Seoul Pass: 72 hours (90,000 won), 48 hours (70,000 won). Book in advance in Japan.

Meals (7 times excluding breakfast; lunch and dinner): If you spend about 2,000 yen each, the total will be about 15,000 yen (breakfast is separate), and about half that for children. Breakfast is to be arranged by each participant.

Other personal matters and shopping expenses are to be arranged by the participant.

Accommodation: If using a hotel, please make your own reservation (however, we will select an area for you so that you can move around as easily as possible, so please book a hotel nearby). As accommodation recommended by the pastor, you may need to give a gift or thank you to your homestay, and if you stay at a cheap accommodation, it may cost between 3,000 and 5,000 yen (we are considering Christian accommodation but have not yet decided).


*An information session will be held in June.

*You may leave any questions in the comments below this article.

*If the number of participants is 5 or less, the project will not be carried out.



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